

Lighting Design

What is Lighting Design?

Lighting Design is the art and craft of creating the visual environment by means of illuminating it.

The quality of light affects people costs. Human beings are influenced, both physiologically and psychologically by light. Research shows that good quality Lighting Design will enhance the mood of the space desirability, increase productivity and efficiency of office worker while also delivering the sense of safety and security.

Use Lighting Design
Lighting Designer:
Benefits of using Lighting Design Services

The introduction of using a professional lighting designer will assure a long term saving for the cost of equipments, people and aesthetics from the investment to an operations cost.

For the Equipment cost, the designer will make a design aesthetics and function to meet with an allowance budget or may help to provide the budget as in early stage of design development phase. With the advantage of knowing the quality of the equipment and ability to use the equipment wisely, the designer will help to keep the budget at the optimum and can further help to reduce the installation cost while occurring on the project.

In addition, if the cost of the equipments has exceeded the allowance budget, the designer will assist in reviewing and making substitution without jeopardize the design objective and will assure the design intense will remain.

People cost, as we know that light affects human being both physiologically and psychologically. Many researches showing that good quality lighting will enhance the mood desirability of the spaces, the productivity of office worker and delivering the sense of safety and security.

Aesthetic cost, subject to beauty should be relevant to the investment cost? Where as the budgets are being to share between aesthetic and function, light is one medium of unforeseen, untouchable at the first but appreciated and understand at the last. It is a tool where the aesthetic of an an architect or interior being revealed. It's the most basic function is to enable us to see and appreciated the beauty of spaces. It's recognized and it's creating a memorable experience.

Without light we cannot see. In order to obtain an aesthetic, a professional whom being studied and trained to see light will ensure that the aesthetics will be revealed and the spirit of the architecture will also be remain.

Operating cost, reduce the owner's operations cost is the most crucial consideration of the project decision. These involve the knowledge of wisely planning, appropriate wiring with good specification of equipment and its accessories.

It can benefit the project aesthetically and practically. A good quality lighting luminaire will provide good lighting distribution together with high light output radio, prolong of its electronic parts, extend lamp life cycle, limit generates heat and safety of fire hazard. Together with a good lighting control equipments will ensure that the consumer power is being design and limit to considerately lux required and will not be overly lit to unnecessary objective.